The ability to put the damage, sometimes strong hand.
Very dangerous maneuver and go gank.
Supervisory good map.
Scramble dragon, Baron good.
With the ability to gank good, duels and forest scramble with high maneuverability, Lee sin is always a good choice for gamers. It does not require high skills in fighting PK, just maturing exercise combining the skills that you can play better this blind priest then. Along refer to the map to play and Lee Sin to go through all forests share certain LMHT Community.

Fundamentals Lee Sin


Need more training to be able to play well.
Not really strong in fighting total.
Details on how to play and Lee Sin jungle map on each grain marketing director in 2015 1

Jade Lee Sin supporting jungle

Details on how to play and Lee Sin jungle map on each grain marketing director in 2015 2

Purple: Physical Damage plus straight x3.
Red: Attack straight x9 physics community.
Gold adjacent straight x9 community.
Green: Resistance levels permitted under x9.

Collection of insec phase LeeSin